Where did the Battle of Waterloo take place

Battle of Waterloo

It was a battle that took place under the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the last of his life, which took place on June 18, 1815, near Brussels in Tel Al-Assad, and the two parties involved in this battle were: the French army led by Napoleon Bonaparte, the Allied armies led by the Duke of Wellington, and the German Marshal Blucher. 

The Battle of Waterloo was one of the worst battles anyone could ever fight, as it inflicted heavy loss of life and equipment for both sides in the battle; the English described the people who encountered this battle as very lucky.

The course of the Battle of Waterloo

As for the course and events of the battle, it took place in a certain way, as all the conflicts over the Battle of Waterloo began since Napoleon Botabert escaped from his exile on the island of Alba, forcing the Allies to end this battle, forcing them to finish the Vienna Conference to begin preparing themselves and mobilizing their armies in preparation for the battle imposed on them by Napoleon, and the Allies always viewed Napoleon as a criminal; : The Battle of Lenny, the Battle of Quatterbras.

After the two sides mobilized their armies, the Allied armies began to arrive in Belgium, and the first armies arriving there were the German army led by German Marshal Blucher, and the Army of the English led by the Duke of Wellington, while the rest of the Allied armies were supposed to flock to the Rhine, and the number of Allied armies was approximately 118 thousand soldiers, while the French army led by Napoleon had 72 soldiers, and Napoleon was aiming to differentiate between the German and English armies to eliminate each of them respectively before the arrival of the supplies. and help them from the rest of the Allied armies.

The start of this battle was delayed due to the mud that covered the place for the rain that the region witnessed the day before the battle, and began the battle with the occupation of the artillery of both sides in dispute on the hills there, which is considered the place of their position, and was the first to start the battle is Napoleon when he threw the first rows of his soldiers into the battle to begin the fire between the two sides, and at the first opportunity had Napoleon to strike the knockout blow to the English army, whose position was very weak in front of him, Blukhar hastened to save the situation and quickly join with the English army, Napoleon was defeated in this battle, which was seen as the straw that broke Napoleon's back.

Despite Napoleon's terrible defeat and the heavy losses inflicted by the enemy with his army, the number of victims reached 25,000 among the dead and wounded, and the capture of 7,000 of them, apart from the loss of 15,000 of them in this battle, but it inflicted heavy damage on the armies of enemies, causing nearly 22,000 victims among the dead and wounded, in addition to the losses inflicted on their equipment. 

Although this battle was the end of one of the greatest figures in history, it was the beginning of a new era, and one of the most notable results of the Battle of Waterloo was napoleon's return to Paris to abdicate, and his exile to the island of St. Helena.

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